Our certified accounting professionals keep track of the legislative and administrative authorities’ tax changes during the year for you.
The right tax accountant services at crucial times for your business, Organizations, as well as individuals. We provide tax prep, year-round advisory, and your tax filing is done on time with Rojas & Associates. Take a few minutes and learn about our Tax Services.
Tax Services
We have a full spectrum of tax planning and tax preparation for:
- Individuals
- Trusts
- S-Corporations
- Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs)
- International Corporate Tax
- Privately Held Companies
Our approach:
- Analyze every complex tax attribute.
- Verify current tax returns with previous ones for discrepancies and errors.
- Represent your business properly to the tax authorities.
- Prepare Sales Tax filings.
- Ensure thorough tax documentation for compliance.
- Prepare thorough state and federal corporate, estate, gift and trust tax returns.
- Provide Audit representation.
- Emphasize practical tax strategies to improve your bottom line now.
- Best position your business for future growth.
We put our excellence, experience, and expertise to work for you.
This means we have the brightest and best focus on your particular industry, business, and situation. We help our clients respond thoughtfully to changes in business and tax laws. This puts your business ahead of the game. We do this prior to the year end.
Here are some links to our recently published articles:
Link to 401(k) National Society of Accountants
Scroll to page 18 and our article by Bob Rojas on page 18
At Rojas and Associates CPAs we perform audits, reviews, and compilations. We are AICPA certified peer reviewers. When you’re looking for one of the better CPA firms in the region we hope you consider us! Rojas & Associates CPA