Call me old fashioned, but I love being married. When I met my future wife, we fell in love and we knew we wanted to get married. I had a Masters Degree in Tax and helped many clients minimize their taxes. I knew exactly what our marriage would cost. We were married anyway despite the Marriage Tax Penalty. We are still in love and I love being married. We also still pay higher taxes for being married.
What are the facts? In 1990 55% of US households were married, in 2000 51% and in 2010 it is 49%. Clearly more couples chose not to marry. How did the Marriage Tax Penalty come about?
It was supposed to help married couples with one income which at the time was the majority of US households. Today most couples living together have two incomes whether they are married or not. This older law penalizes the married couples. Its not a huge penalty, but when we were married my wife and I did feel it. I personally think marriage is worth the tax penalty.